Head, Meet Desk

December 20, 2010 at 1:02 pm 4 comments

Grading my sophomore English finals, and I swear if one more student identifies Scout Finch as a BOY I will scream out loud.

I mean, it’s not as if we didn’t read the book.

And discuss it.

And do activities for it.


Then again – at least these people (at least half a dozen of them so far) realized that the narrator was a child. I’ve had 2-3 identify Scout as a woman in her 30s-40s. And one precious little snowflake (whose sole recollection of TKAM is that there was a “ravid dog”, and who tells me that the reason he failed my class is because I assign too much work – never you mind that he doesn’t bother to do ANY of the work) believes that the narrator of TKAM is Boo Ewell.

Yes, you read that correctly. BOO. EWELL.

Then again, it is always nice to realize that the texts one teaches have subtextual connections. Did you know, for example, that one of Antigone’s siblings is Calpurnia, and another is Atticus? I had no idea that they were related!

We all know that Antigone’s family is a little dysfunctional, but I didn’t realize that she was married to her brother. Or that she believed that all dead people needed to be beared. Or berried.

It’s good to have working definitions of important terms, both academic vocabulary and text-specific. Here are two terms that you might find useful:

Theme: Theme is like for example is like the theme of a book or a play a movie or poetry.*

Comunist: Is when people vote on something that they think its right but its accuatlly wrong.**

*Who knew I had Miss South Carolina in my class?

**I knew we had a bunch of commies in this state!




Dangerous Profession – Epilogue Not Sure What’s Best

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Mrs. Chili  |  December 20, 2010 at 3:41 pm


    *wipes tears*

    Oh, this is awesome. I’m SO glad it’s not just MY kids who do this sort of thing. My misery loves your company!

  • 2. Jane  |  December 20, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    OMG; my kids sneaked into your class!

  • 3. Molly  |  December 21, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    I once had a student tell me that the closest communist country was Connecticut, I ALWAYS have to remind my students that Scout is the girl and Jem is the boy, and have to put a map up on my wall with arrows to demonstrate Antigone’s family tree. Heaven forbid you teach both To Kill a Mockingbird and Julius Caesar in the same year because there is a Calpurnia in both stories and that causes their brains to literally melt into puddles on the floor. God bless 10th graders lol.

  • 4. Angela  |  December 22, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    Haha! On my last geography test, a student said that Idi Amin was the anti-apartheid activist who became president of South Africa. As if!


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The Bee’s Knees

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