Dangerous Profession – Epilogue

December 6, 2010 at 3:16 pm Leave a comment

I got a couple of comments on my last post that made me realize that I never went back and shared the epilogue.

What happened, you might ask, with the HAND GRENADE UNDER MY DESK?

And why, oh why, was it there?

And why, FOR THE LOVE ALL THINGS HOLY, SACRED, AND MODERATELY PROFANE, wasn’t the bomb squad called in?

I’ll tell you why.

Turns out that the previous day – during which school had been canceled due to inclement weather – the local police tactical team used our school building for training scenarios. And one of the officers apparently inadvertantly left behind HIS HAND GRENADE.

Something which, I suppose, Security knew all along – or rather, figured out as soon as they saw the offending item.

I had just decided to email the principal and ask him what in the world was going on in his school when I got an email back from the SRO, explaining why the grenade had been there and that the officers in question were getting quite the talking-to. I was mostly just elated to discover that there was a rational and non-terrifying explanation.

That is, until I began wondering what would have happened had someone other than myself found the darn thing.

Then I decided that THAT didn’t bear thinking about, and there you have it. Ta-da, etc.

Entry filed under: TALES FROM SCHOOL.

Dangerous Profession, Part II Head, Meet Desk

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The Bee’s Knees

This is the teaching journal of a student first-year second-year THIRD-YEAR (!!!) English teacher. I am writing this blog as a reflection for myself, a way to keep friends and family updated, and a sharing-ground between other educators online. I love comments!

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